Courses & Programs

My signature program:

The Warrior Goddess Transformation Program

This 12 month program empowers witches to lose weight after trauma without endless self sacrifice using depth psychology aligned body energetics.

Rolling admission, join anytime

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Other programs, master classes, & courses:

Fitness Witchcraft Exploration

This instant access mini course goes over the 6 foundational principles of Fitness Witchcraft.

Instant Access

Time Collapse: The Ritual of Becoming

Learn the secrets to COLLAPSE TIME on your health goals without wasting time reading hundreds of spell books trying to find the thing that will "finally work" using quantum physics based ritual magic.

This two hour workshop will lead you through a live time collapsing ritual. 

Instant Access

Spirit Guides + Deity Work 101

This 4 week mini course will show you how to communicate with your guides without years of study using simplified journeywork.

Get the replays here

Instant Access

Releasing PTSD with Fitness Witchcraft

In this free mini training you'll get the breakdown on how fitness witchcraft helps my clients graduate from therapy right along with their physical health journeys.

The recording is in the Facebook group Fitness Tips for Witches so you'll need to join first & then >>click here<< to watch the replay

Join the group

The Summer Fitness Witchcraft Challenge

Running LIVE: July 15th-29th 2024

The Summer Fitness Witchcraft Challenge will show you how to integrate the deepest principles of magick: from Hermetics to the Laws of the Universe without reading dozens of dusty old books with energetically aligned walking rituals.

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